Friday, March 26, 2010

"Valbone was the best woman in the world"

Dusseldorf - Ilaz Vokrri is a broken man
Valbone his wife, his daughter Fatima and his mother Lejdina died in Sunday's horrific accident on the A59 (EXPRESS reported>). An incredible loss.
His gaze is blank, his shoulders droop. "My family is destroyed," said Ilaz Vokrri talks with the EXPRESS. On Tuesday, he left with his two surviving children, Albion (9) and Elvina (8) the hospital. His wounds are healed - the scars on his soul never. "I now think of my children. Life must go on - for them. "
Already on Wednesday, he flies to Kosovo. There live two brothers and two sisters. "The whole family is in shock," says Amir's nephew. Every day 200 to 300 people for parents to share the grief. On Tuesday Ilaz Vokrri visited the Forensic Medicine. He wanted to see his wife and his child, necessarily again.
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"Valbone was the best woman in the world," he says with tears in her voice. The attractive 32-year-old was his one and all. They met almost twelve years ago at a wedding in Dormagen. "That's where I appeared as a singer. It was love at first sight. "
Hatred of death Raser Pascal as he does not experience. "He has done it but not intentionally." But at least grossly negligent. For now it is: He had 1.68 blood alcohol! Therefore, the 22-year-old Hildener raced with his golf in the wrong direction. Ilaz Vokrri had no chance to see the Wikitravel to the headlight of the Volkswagen were broken. "I've seen the last moment, a reflection of the indicators of the Gulf, it has already popped."
B. Pascal has left the hospital on Tuesday. Against him under investigation for involuntary homicide and road hazards. "At least for the latter is the cause of the alcohol," said prosecutor Andrew Stuve.
Who wants to help the Vokrris: Account 022 22 31 000 at Dresdner Bank (BLZ 300 800 00).
"I want to thank everyone. I still do not know when I'm back in a position to make money, "says Ilaz.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

VfL strong - but drama about Sigurdsson

Cologne - The relief was the VfL-written professionals face. In the third attempt, finally, the first home victory - the 35:28 (16:11) was a vital character to the audience in Cologne: This continues to play a top team with ambitions in the arena.
Coach Alfred Gislason had analyzed the Balinger and let his director Oleg Kuleshov Balinger dissect the defensive. "We're getting better from game to game. Class, as my team has solved this difficult problem. "
As expected, many seats remained, but wanted to offer viewers the 3856 Champions League participants what. From the start Gislason Gas Team gave away at the gate and pulled gate leading 5-1 after six minutes, and despite the loss of a champion Gudjon Valur Sigurdsson also through a penalty by the strong Adrian Wagner with 10:3 (12.).
"We are well come into play. Then we were due Sigurdsson failure in shock. But I think we have berappelt us quite well, "said the ex-Dormagener Wagner after the game.
The young Balinger were those that were taken by surprise. "What my colleague, Alfred and his right hand tactically Kuleshov have shown here, that was pretty nifty. I've seen elsewhere this season, yet nowhere, "said Brack.
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Are we allowed to let students Schulklos scrub?

Cologne - Mayor Fritz Schramma (CDU) had called on Thursday in EXPRESS, students should brush their own views Schulklos to learn to deal with this value properly. While the district government is helpless, Schramma receives praise from the SPD.
"If I had knowledge of a student, or catch a would that has a toilet vandalized or dirty, then I would let those who clean the toilets," said SPD deputy Ulrike Heuer, head of Albertus Magnus High School in Neu-Ehrenfeld . "Here, the Mayor has for once, right: It is good to learn from the affair."
The only question is: Might cause the principals at all? The District government is baffled: "More than anything we have not thought about," said spokesman Oliver King Field. "That probably belongs in the organizational authority of the schools." Determine the rectors.
Heidelore Puttkamer, Deputy Head of the Cologne Parents', is basically this, but warns: "What happens when students when cleaning infected with disease?"
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Sunday, March 7, 2010

The torture murder of Cologne

Cologne - It was one of the most horrific crimes of the year vergagenen: Amin B. († 20) from high House was brutally tortured to death in June.
On Thursday, the process starts against the four alleged perpetrators: Dervis B. (21), Michael B. (26), p. Saim (22) and Daniel M. (20). The Tatvorwurf: dangerous bodily harm and murder.
The banal motive: revenge for a snide remark about the girlfriend of Dervis B. The indictment brings previously unknown details of horror to light.
Amin B. said to have been appointed on behalf of Dervis and Michael to a special school in the amount of Saim house phone. Along the way he should have been lying Dervis and Michael and have beaten him with a baseball bat.
Amin he tried to flee, but ran into the arms of Saim. He should have played to Amin, he had nothing to do with the matter. He also suggested that Amin would face Dervis to a duel.
Finally, he brought Amin to Vingster marketplace - and left him there to his cruel fate: Dervis, Michael and Daniel beat on amine with a baseball bat, a wooden club and fists.
Dervis said to have cut his lips with a knife and stabbed twice in the left breast. The four were still alive it back. When trying to get help, Amin left blood stains all over the place.
A motorist found the bloody Amin - but he could not be saved and verblutete.Hintergrund Indeed, Amin is said to have spoken disparagingly two days before the murder of a friend of Dervis. During the subsequent battle Dervis said to have been unsuccessful. Amin also said to have attacked two weeks earlier a friend of Michael with a knife.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Snore alarm at the giant giant

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Den Helder - Room 23 of the hotels "Beatrix" Den Helder in Holland. Frustrated, Ben Spöl grabs his blanket and shuffled from the room. The giant looks exhausted, because he can shut my eyes in the middle of the night.
The reason is his roommate Brant Bailey. The US-Boy snores so loudly that Spöl fled to his brother Tom and Matthias GODDEK, with whom he lives in Schildgen in a shared house. "This is not unbearable. A lumberjack is no objection, "scolds Ben.
Bailey knows the problems with disgruntled colleagues for years. "Brendan Woustra slept two years ago in the bathroom, GODDEK found last season with the Spöl asylum. "So I always have a single room," recalls the basketball giant. "Before, it was the snoring would not be so bad, but as I got older, the louder it gets. I can not breathe through the nose, also moves to my throat and I hardly ever get air. "
Therefore, the 32-year-old has asked in the summer with two doctors for help. "I wake up even in the morning tired and sluggish on, because I do not have a peaceful and healthy sleep. Why should I let myself in a sleep laboratory to investigate whether I suffer from the sleep apnea syndrome. "
His father Mike had similar problems, but was tested negative for the sleeping sickness. Bailey: "I used to have him by two closed doors is. The volume I have received probably inherited from him. "
For the Giants, it is hoped that with the Americans soon the cause is found. "Then Brant is well rested and can put even more energy into his game. And we would always calm before the away matches, "said coach Achim Kuczmann.
How, then on the weekend at the Sharp Cup that starts today with the game against the East Germans BC.
More of the Giants: Giants thrilled by their own fans' Who pays wages for archiving? >