Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chancellor Merkel plunges into crisis

Berlin - The global crisis is more menacing to Germany - and what the government is doing about it?
Far too little, say economic experts. From all sides heavely criticism of slow rate of Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Once she was hailed as the "most powerful woman in the world." Abroad, they were called respectfully "Miss World".
But since the outbreak of the financial crisis, Merkel's has faded luster. No courageous deeds, no rousing speech - the citizens are waiting in vain that the prime minister shows strength.
However, the situation becomes more dramatic: The Bundesbank expects the economy to shrink 0.8 percent next year - that it was modified 1993rd German Bank Chief Economist Norbert Walter expects even with up to 4% negative. That would be the biggest crisis since 1945! Hundreds of thousands of jobs are at risk.
Britain, France and the U.S. put on large fiscal stimulus to prop up their economies. Contrast, Merkel has conglomeration of individual actions that the Federal absegnete weak on Friday.
No tax cut before the election, and otherwise wait - with this motto Merkel has large parts of the Union raised against him.
CSU-Chef Seehofer: We must act now. "Not only when it is too late." Even CDU economist Laurenz Meyer insists on quick tax cuts. The problem was that "the ordinary skilled worker, the nurse had too little net."
With their "no" to economic syringes Merkel has isolated in Europe. In Brussels it is called "Madame No". French President Sarkozy scoffs: "France is, Germany is thinking." The British prime minister, Brown invited her to his economic summit are not looking.
And in Germany dwindling confidence in Merkel. Their contribution to strengthening the economy will see only 51% positive - in October it was 68%.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The curse of the Wehrhahn line

Dusseldorf - has barely begun the new year, proposes Wehrhahn line retailers and restaurateurs again most powerful mind.
After the Christmas break, namely, los geht's cheerful again: Work is progressing in its entirety. After many businessmen have moved their shops or have given up entirely, is now the restaurant's on the collar. The curse of the Wehrhahn line.
As if the financial crisis are not enough already, also pulls the duration of the construction site Wehrhahn line big holes in the coffers. The latest victim is Düsseldorf cabaret star and restaurant boss Manes Meckenstock.
In addition to Tuesday he has yet to introduce Monday a rest day in his pub "Mecke Stocks". People do not come easy - just before his operation at the Elizabeth Street Bilker Allee will be dredged and dug. A nightmare!
"With the construction site outside the door, take us as restaurants no longer true," he says. Many guests would stay away. Mainly because the former lacked large car park opposite. "In addition to the duration and dirt that we can set up in the summer terrace no more," said Meckenstock. "The rest is more a protective function, so I dismissed anyone from my team needs."
Even at OB Dirk Elbers he had appealed. The dialect comedian described the grave situation and asked for an improvement in the situation. "Elbers said he wanted to watch. He now makes the last six weeks. Let's hope that 2009 can he look better ... "
After a short Christmas break, the construction work going on now. From Monday's not enough room! Especially in the "sore" area Theodor-Körner-Straße/Heinrich-Heine-Allee: Between Breidenbacher yard and Kaufhof is only one lane is available - just as it had in November, once was the case. Also at the Heinrich-Heine-Allee in the amount of Breidenbacher Court's starting Wednesday until 20 February because of mounting a diaphragm wall, which is brought into the depths, only one lane.
To congestion and noise pollution coming from Monday until 8 February. Because at the diaphragm walls will be installed Wehrhahn need at this time East and are locked Jacobi road towards downtown. The tram service is not affected.
The residents were informed by the way, building on the work of junk mail - with regard to the contact person at the city, where they can complain ...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The whole city in summer mood

Dusseldorf - Peter, thank: The merry month of May is a well! The skirts are getting shorter, the smile on the lips of the Düsseldorf wide. No wonder: The sun is shining - and infects us all.
And the best part: The city draws. Due to the expected fair-weather period is now ushered in the outdoor season. From 6 clock this morning, have all-weather open in Flingern and Rheinbad at the fair. And Rüdiger Steinmetz, head of the Düsseldorf Bädergesellschaft is certain: "Benrath make on Wednesday or Thursday, the latest moves Lörick until after Friday." Even the northern beach of the lake Unterbacher opens on Wednesday at 10 clock its doors.
Dusseldorf in good-mood-summer feeling. EXPRESS looked around the city. On the Rhine Meadow in Oberkassel can Bakira Tatiana and the sun on the skin appear winterblasse. Light refuel and nibble chips. Thus, it is to live in! Jessica and Diane enjoy after a long stroll through the city, the great weather with music.
Also key Köbes Ralf rake is enthusiastic: "Everywhere, beautiful women - what more could you want?" At the barracks road has construction workers Jupp Gatzka other dreams. The ice cream parlor is located just a few meters: "In this weather it's fun to work outside. And after the service, you can reward yourself with a fresh approach. "
Also Rheinbahn driver Aristidis Toumanidis is happy: "May is my favorite month. People are more relaxed and some pretty woman not averse to a flirt. "
Also of interest
How the weather affects the psyche
Great Expectations

Friday, February 5, 2010

The killer of the 100 faces

Wurzburg - "We'll get him." Sentences like these quite willing to tell police when it comes to hunting a murderer.
Murder has a public awareness rate of 97 percent. So confidence is justified. But doubt it. At least in this investigation. Alexander Renz, the killer of the 100 faces.
Since 25 July 2008 seeking the Franconia police the 36-year-old amateur actors of the group "Spessart Robbers" with an international arrest warrant. From no other fugitives are there so many mug shots: Renz when withdrawing from ATMs, laughing with Bayern hat.
Renz is strongly suspects, on 25 July 2008 Carmen S. (having stabbed to death 33). The receptionist of the final Hotels near Aschaffenburg Mespelbrunn lay dead in the hotel parking lot. Renz was threefold longer recreated the mother before the killing, waiting in vain for her love. Heiko Sauer, Würzburg police spokesman: "We are confident that he is the perpetrator."
In addition, Renz had ever been convicted of kidnapping a woman. In 1993, he had kidnapped a woman, and deported to Spain. For this he received a three-year youth custody aufgebrummt.
After the murder at the moated Mespelbrunn Renz had fled with the silver Opel Astra, which is owned by a relative. On the flight of the amateur actors was seen then in October in Stuttgart and Mannheim. In January he was back in the Spessart.
End of March, he attacked again there relatives. Sauer: "He captured at gunpoint a few hundred dollars and debit cards, sat down again, picked up at Rasmussen even more money." On Thursday, a bus driver reported that he had seen the fugitives. But this was a false alarm. Mespelbrunn Mayor Erich Schaefer sourly: "It's time to catch him."
But why the killer is not understood? Sauer: "He knows the terrain here can live very well spartan, constantly changing his appearance, now has glasses and not looking. Nevertheless, we are firmly convinced, grab Renz. "
Also of interest
The many faces of the Spessart robber - Intelligence Images