Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chancellor Merkel plunges into crisis

Berlin - The global crisis is more menacing to Germany - and what the government is doing about it?
Far too little, say economic experts. From all sides heavely criticism of slow rate of Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Once she was hailed as the "most powerful woman in the world." Abroad, they were called respectfully "Miss World".
But since the outbreak of the financial crisis, Merkel's has faded luster. No courageous deeds, no rousing speech - the citizens are waiting in vain that the prime minister shows strength.
However, the situation becomes more dramatic: The Bundesbank expects the economy to shrink 0.8 percent next year - that it was modified 1993rd German Bank Chief Economist Norbert Walter expects even with up to 4% negative. That would be the biggest crisis since 1945! Hundreds of thousands of jobs are at risk.
Britain, France and the U.S. put on large fiscal stimulus to prop up their economies. Contrast, Merkel has conglomeration of individual actions that the Federal absegnete weak on Friday.
No tax cut before the election, and otherwise wait - with this motto Merkel has large parts of the Union raised against him.
CSU-Chef Seehofer: We must act now. "Not only when it is too late." Even CDU economist Laurenz Meyer insists on quick tax cuts. The problem was that "the ordinary skilled worker, the nurse had too little net."
With their "no" to economic syringes Merkel has isolated in Europe. In Brussels it is called "Madame No". French President Sarkozy scoffs: "France is, Germany is thinking." The British prime minister, Brown invited her to his economic summit are not looking.
And in Germany dwindling confidence in Merkel. Their contribution to strengthening the economy will see only 51% positive - in October it was 68%.